Computers cannot be compared to human brains. The brain is the most complex object which given by God and computer is a modern thing that created by human brains. I think this is foolish to compare computers to human brains. Computers only help people to save their data, organize it and do more. In his article Can a Computer Be Conscious?, an author Steven Pinker stated, "it has been estimated that the information-processing capacity of even the most powerful supercomputer is equal to the nervous system of a snail- a tiny fraction of the power available to the supercomputer inside the human skull"(64). Even the most powerful computer cannot be able to receive any information like a human brain does. Computers have no brain control, the mathematical equations, emotions and thoughts like human brains. Because the processing in a human brain and a computer are different. Pinker also said that computers find it easy to remember a 25-digit number but find it hard to summarize the gist of [children's story] 'Little Red Riding Hood', and humans find it hard to remember the number but easy to summarize the story(64). From those statements above, I think much better to call computers were made and designed to help people.